Aneuploidy Screening
- Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) / Aneuploidy Screening (AS)
- Indications for PGD/AS
- The Risk of Embryo Biopsy
Pre-Implantation Genetic Aneuploidy Screening is a technology which identifies genetic defects of an embryo by removing a single cell and testing it for specific chromosomes such as XX, XY, 13,18,21.
Following chromosomal analysis, only the embryos that test normal for the chromosomes analyzed are selected for transfer to the uterus. By not transferring chromosomally abnormal embryos, PGD can increase the chances of a successful outcome.
PGD/AS is recommended when couples are at risk of transmitting a known genetic abnormality to their children. Only healthy and normal embryos are transferred into the mother's uterus, thus diminishing the risk of inheriting a genetic abnormality and late pregnancy termination (after positive prenatal diagnosis).
It aims to improve the chance of having a healthy live birth in the following patient groups:
- Women of advanced maternal age, above 40 yrs
- Women who suffer from recurrent miscarriages
- When one or both parents have a known chromosome abnormality
- Couples with repeated IVF failure
- Male partner with severe male factor infertility
- Tests are carried out to detect x and y chromosomes in the embryo. Especially useful for chromosome disorders linked to the sex chromosome.