
Accurate diagnosis of the cause of infertility, prior to treatment, is the key to our success with fertility treatment.

“Many couples conceive naturally without the need for IVF”

One in five couples will seek medical help for infertility investigations.

“In one third of these couples the problem may be on the male side and one third the problem may be on the female side”

In the other third there may well be a problem with both partners. This page outlines a simple infertility management programme where the diagnosis for the cause of infertility can be made within one menstrual cycle.

  • Semen analysis is performed for the male. If the first analysis is abnormal then a repeat test is performed. If the first test is normal then no further testing is needed for the male.
  • A blood test for the female partner performed between day 1 and day 5 of menstruation to check FSH, LH, Prolactin, Testosterone, T4, TSH. These are all hormones that orchestrate the menstrual cycle and can affect egg quality and ovulation..
  • Ultrasound examination performed between day 10 and day 12 of the menstrual cycle to check the uterus, the ovaries and the pelvic organs. This is performed in order to diagnose any abnormality of the uterus, ovaries or tubes.
  • Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy. This involves an operation in which a telescope is inserted through the belly button (5 mm incision) so that the tubes and ovaries can be observed clearly. Dye is injected to check that the tubes are patent (open). Hysteroscopy is combined with this procedure where a telescope is inserted into the uterus so that the internal contours of the uterus and lining of the womb can be observed. This procedure is usually performed between day 6 and day 10 of the menstrual cycle, following the initial blood test and ultrasound scan.